Seed Stockers Autoflowering

The Best Deals on the World's Fastest Seeds!

Seed Stockers has used the connections they've made over the last 30 years to corner the market on the world's best Spanish autoflowering seeds. They buy in bulk after carefully selecting only the highest quality genetics so that they get the best prices. Then, they generously pass that savings on to you!

Germination of cannabis seeds is illegal in the UK unless you have an appropriate license issued from the home office. However, the collection and storage of cannabis genetics in seed form the UK is 100% legal. Information on cannabis seeds is for information purposes only and describes the cannabis genetics only, it is not intended to encourage anyone to cultivate cannabis or illegal and/or controlled substances. If you are from outside the UK, please check the laws in your own country before placing an order.

  • High Quality, Low Prices
  • Top Genetics
  • Most Reliable Genetics
  • Classic & Trendy Strains
  • Packs of 3, 5 & 25 Seeds!
Seed Stockers Autoflowering
Cup Winner
Mainly Indica
Mainly Sativa
Indica 100%
Mix Packs
Flowering Time
Height Info